Dear corporate managers,
how do you feel about the year-end settlement tasks that come every year?
"I can’t focus on other tasks due to employee inquiries."
"I’m exhausted from repetitive tasks and workload."
"I’m worried about risks according to tax laws."
MetaPay Year-End Settlement AI:
Reduce corporate manager workload, enhance employee convenience

Settlement time has been dramatically reduced. This is the fastest and easiest year-end settlement I’ve ever experienced.
H Company Executive -
The integration with existing personnel information makes the document preparation process incredibly smooth and easy.
C Company Employee
Introducing MetaPay’s year-end settlement AI, benefiting both corporate managers and employees alike
No need to transfer year-end settlement data; keep using existing data as it is!
Supports interface integration with ERP programs and global HR services. Utilize existing data for year-end settlement services.
Complex year-end settlement inquiries handled accurately and promptly by AI chatbots
AI chatbots trained on patterns from over 180 clients and over 100,000 inquiries provide swift responses, reducing stress by decreasing employee inquiries to managers.
Easy year-end settlement completed in just 3 clicks
No need to submit paper documents for year-end settlement data. From personal information verification to deduction confirmation and uploading files to the tax office, swiftly process year-end settlements with just 3 clicks through conversation with an AI chatbot.
Convenient submission of year-end settlement data for employees
With access to PC and mobile devices anytime, anywhere, even field workers can easily submit their year-end settlement data.
Can year-end tax settlements be done via mobile?
Yes, you can perform year-end tax settlements using the MetaPay AI chatbot on your mobile device. The AI chatbot is trained on patterns from over 180 client companies and can quickly respond to inquiries related to year-end tax settlements.
Can you view the progress of year-end tax settlements for employees?
Yes, MetaPay provides a dashboard on the administrator page where you can easily see the progress of year-end tax settlements for all employees. You can view the status of each employee, such as not started, in progress, submitted, under review, and reviewed, at a glance.
What convenience features are available for employees?
MetaPay offers OCR (Optical Character Recognition) function, allowing employees to upload PDF files regarding their previous workplaces. This eliminates the need for manual data entry as information is automatically extracted and inputted. Additionally, using the AI chatbot, employees can get their questions answered anytime and anywhere without needing to contact a manager.
Can existing payroll data be transferred?
Yes, you can transfer detailed payroll data using a payroll transfer template provided by MetaPay.
Do I need to submit paper documents (e.g., donation receipts)?
No, you do not. MetaPay supports uploading PDF files or photos taken with a mobile phone, enabling a paperless year-end tax settlement process. This makes it easy and convenient to perform year-end tax settlements without the need for paper document submissions.
Can I use year-end tax settlement separately without using MetaPay’s payroll solution?
Yes, MetaPay’s year-end tax settlement solution is available as SaaS, allowing you to implement it separately even if you use another payroll solution. It also supports integration with global systems such as SAP, Oracle, Workday, and others.
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Experience the ease and convenience of MetaPay's year-end settlement AI. Inquire now to learn more.